Kyra Barry

My name is Kyra Barry. I teach Aerial Hoop at Tribe . I have always loved trying new things , So in 2019 I started with booking one aerial hoop class to see how it would go , from my very first class I was hooked. The environment, the people , as well as the fun while also being incredibly good exercise. When I am not teaching Hoop or training myself, I am running my own business training dogs & hiking with big groups of them. I have my two passions in my life at all time, animals and Hoop.
If you are considering Hoop, give it a go , you won’t regret it and the Tribe family will welcome you with open arms.

How she feels about Tribe:

“The encouragement you receive from students and teachers in the aerial world is like no other. This is something I continue to bring and encourage in my classes. I am not naturally flexible but have worked up to having some flexibility after starting to train my flexibility as part of my aerial journey. Why I enjoy hoop is that, it is a safe environment for anyone and everyone without judgment.”
